Monday, 6 October 2008

Brainstorming Process/ Mood Boards.

When staring out on a project the generating of ideas is very important it can make or break a project. Therefore I have decided to as much time as possible to the process of brainstorming, and the development of mood boards.

Initially I started to brainstorm for the channel “Foursight”. The ideas that were generated were mainly based around the various programmes that would normally be broadcast on this channel. The central concepts that I developed were along the science and technology path. I didn’t particularly find any of the ideas solid enough to continue with.

"Foursight" brainstorm

The brainstorm created for the channel “Comedy Box”. Once again used a process listing all the channels that would appear on the channel. I found that the ideas that were generated were slightly uninspiring and therefore decided to continue the development of my ideas.

"Comedy Box" brainstorm

The next stage of my development was to create a mood board for my chosen channel “Ignition” and to get a visual representation of my theme and concepts. I followed the theme of lad’s magazines such as Top Gear, Zoo, Nuts and The Sun. And also took ideas from additional adverts that I felt were relevant. Upon reflection the ideas appear to be limiting my target audience- due to the fact that I haven’t taken into account the female viewers, or people who may not like cars, etc. This meant I had to revisit the brainstorming process and redevelop my ideas.

"Ignition" mood board

Here is the redeveloped brainstorm that I have created; the ideas that have been developed are no longer quite so literal.

"Ignition" brainstorm

I have decided to go along a much more abstract theme rather than just focusing on the channels and have begun to look at various themes and concepts, such as colour, texture, light-dark, negative and positive. This gives me not only a much wider market to appeal to, but also a much broader basis in which to build on and to continue to develop my ideas.

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