Friday, 13 March 2009


I have found the D&AD project very challenging. When I received the brief my main intentions were to go down the route of the ebay viral. I decided that this was very exciting, and an area that I haven’t looked into before.

One of the first things that I did was to research other viral marketing campaigns that would be relevant to my topic. After doing some extensive research I found that the virals all had one common denominator- humour, something naughty, or extreme, all of which was to capture the viewers attention.

After a lot of deliberation, and numerous dead ends I decided to pursue the Youtube brief. I decided to look at how this idea could be combined with my current research. Once I got into the concept and understood I found that the ideas that I had originally with the ebay viral were much stronger. I also felt that starting a new brief so late in the project simply wouldn’t be in my best’s interests.

Once I had arrived back on the ebay viral brief, I begun to pursue my original concept and see how I could take it further with the whole concept of user generated content, and really utilising the whole aspect of community.

I found the critical sessions very useful, it gave me lots of ideas, and plenty of things to work with in terms of the design and the usability. I felt that this really strengthen my concept.

Overall I am pleased with what I have achieved, I felt that I have learnt a lot thought the course of the project. To be much stronger in my belief of work, and to not let anyone change my view on my work.

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