Thursday, 16 April 2009


Marshall McLuhan uses the Psalms as a basis for supporting his view "we become what we behold", I found the initial information about he Psalms interesting, but felt intrigued to find out more about it.

“The Book of Psalms consists of 150 psalms, each of which constitutes a religious song, though one or two are atypically long and may constitute a set of related chants. When the Bible was divided into chapters, each Psalm was assigned its own chapter.” (1)

An element of the Psalms that I found interestin
g was the fact that it was not just restricted to one particular religion. It is used in the Jewish, Christian, Roman Catholic worship, and many others, of course each Psalm comes in a different forms.

An example of the Hebrew Psalm

Overall I found the research into the Psalms an eye opener, and have found out more information that could back up my design.

Sources used within this post


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